What is your worst nightmare? Well, mine happened to me about 9 years ago. I was 23 years old and had a massive stroke that paralyzed half of my body. I then had to have a nine-hour craniotomy to remove a little demon in my brain. Isn’t it crazy how quickly life can change? Everything is going one second, then the next it all turns on a dime and changes the rest of your life forever. After this, life will never be the same.
It always starts with a plan. We think about said plan and envision it, willing it into existence. We innately try and plan every aspect of our lives. I had a plan for my life and I know you did too. I’ll start: I was going to graduate college with a 4.0, immediately get a high-paying job where I would meet my wildly successful husband, we would have 2 kids, and I would spend my free time riding my expensive horse(s). Then
I hate puzzles. I don’t understand the joy people get in trying to find the one piece out of hundreds or thousands that fits perfectly. All that work and mental pressure to find the right one. There is only one right answer. Have you ever felt like your life was a giant puzzle? I have. After my medical diagnosis, I had to decide if I would take a chance and have brain surgery to remove my Angioma or take a chance and
We all have a plan for our lives. We are young, planning out what our future selves will look like. Where we will live, work, and who we choose to marry. But then life happens. I had my entire future mapped out. I was going to be an accountant and have a lot of money and fancy horses. My plan was shattered when I suffered 5 strokes and brain surgery at 23 years old and was paralyzed. But wait… this was not part
Who was your first love? What relationship had the biggest impact on your life? Was it a friend, teacher, boss, or lover? We all have them and we definitely have more than one in our lifetime. It typically starts with our parents who start shaping our beliefs and morals at a young age. Then we get our first boyfriend/girlfriend and start seeing just how impactful other relationships can be. They may be good or bad, but they are nonetheless impacting who you
Take me back to the beginning. Tell me about your childhood, your family, and your life growing up. We all have events or circumstances that happened to us when we were young, what were yours? Let’s talk about everything, even the memories you try and not think about. How do they make you feel? How do you think they have impacted your life? What childhood triggers, traumas, or turmoil have negatively affected your life? My childhood was good and I have very
You make a goal, have all this motivation to see it come to fruition, and along the way the dreams you had been so excited about just lose their luster. What the heck happened? Life may have thrown you some curve balls that put you off track but there is a more common factor that is probably to blame here: The story that you tell yourself. Also known as, limiting beliefs. These are lies that we tell ourselves and believe as truth. You
Almost 9 years ago, my whole life changed forever. I became disabled from a massive stroke that took away the use of the left side of my body. I am blessed that I regained the ability to walk again, but it took a lot of hard work and persistence. I still don’t have any functional use of my left hand and have set goals to try and get stronger. We all have goals. But have you ever set a goal that
I just got back from an incredible vacation at the beach. I spent every day sitting in the sand and soaking in the sun. But I noticed as each day passed my anxiety started to grow knowing we were a day closer to having to leave and this vacation coming to an end. I had spent so much time planning this trip and counting down the days until we got to leave, I was fully vested. That end of vacation anxiety
Have you ever made progress towards a goal only to regress backward? You work so hard only to feel crushed by a setback. You feel as though your goal will never be met and you lose motivation to keep pushing forward. Maybe you gained some weight back, lost some strength at the gym, or aren’t excelling as much at work. You feel as though you are down on your luck. We all have these moments. I remember after having 5 brain
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